- PPARD - ability to burn fat for energy
- VEGFA - ability to deliver oxygen to muscles
- ACE - effect of blood pressure on endurance
- ADRB2 - effect of adrenaline on endurance
- PPARA - proportion of slow-twitch versus fast-twitch muscle fibers
- ACTN3 - the "sprinter" gene
- AGT - angiotensinogen and power ability
- ACVR1B - the "muscle strength" gene
- IL6 - the "muscle mass" gene
- PPARGC1A - ability to increase aerobic capacity
- PPARD - HDL-C "good cholesterol" response
- MCT1 - using lactate for energy
- BDNF - exercise motivation
- CRP - heart rate recovery
- COL1A1 - soft tissue injury risk
- COL5A1 - risk for Achilles tendinopathy
- COMT - pain tolerance
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